Focused on funding facility improvements, safety enhancements, and educational growth for the students and community of Flour Bluff ISD



General Facilities, Safety and Security, Modernization​

  • Renovate Campus and District Infrastructure

    Replace District Wide Utility Plant (Heating & Air Conditioning)

    ECC Campus Additions and Renovations

    Enhance Safety and Security

    Upgrade Technology Infrastructure

    Replace Aging Buses

    Increase HS Cafeteria Capacity

    PreK-6th PE and Playground Upgrades

    Enhance District Traffic Flow

    Renovate Fine Arts Auditorium



Academic and Career and Technical Education (CTE) Spaces 

  • Construct and Renovate Career & Technical Education (Skilled Trades)

    Renovate and Expand Naval Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (NJROTC)

    Construct and Renovate Fine Arts Classrooms

    Improve Oceans and Wetlands: Active Outdoor Learning Center

    Construct Physical Education Gym

    Modernize Physical Education Field (Turf)



Hornet Stadium Renovations and Safety Improvements â€‹

    • Hornet Stadium Renovations and Safety Improvements

Focused on District Safety Enhancements

Flour Bluff ISD's 2025 Bond includes projects aimed at enhancing school safety and security. The proposed bond projects incorporate safety measures in facility designs across the district. Each project has been planned with a focus on infrastructure improvements intended to support a secure environment for students, staff, and visitors.

Designed for Learning and Collaboration

Planned improvements in Flour Bluff ISD’s 2025 Bond include spaces designed to support learning, collaboration, and co-curricular activities. These areas will provide opportunities for hands-on learning, group interaction, and exploration.

Homestead Exemptions

For residents 65 years and older, their school district tax bill will not increase, even if their property value rises (excluding property improvements), as long as they have an approved Homestead and Over-65 Exemption application on file with the Nueces County Appraisal District. The property must also be owned as of January 1st of the tax year.

Developed by a committee of parents, teachers, students, community members, and support staff.

Over the past four months, the Flour Bluff ISD Long Range Planning Committee has reviewed student enrollment trends, school capacity, safety and security measures, facility conditions, and traffic patterns. The proposed bond includes projects to update facilities, address traffic concerns, and implement safety and security improvements.







Inspire. Foster. Empower.